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Typescript React List

React Typescript. I want to render this list, but doesn´t render.

I'm new with Typescript , i don´t undesrtand really well how to pass props from the App.tsx to the children Technology.tsx

  • Vue JS
  • Node JS
  • Angular JS
  • React JS


import React from 'react';

export type State = {
    id: number;
const Technology: React.FC <State[]>  = ({id,name}) => {
    return ( 
        <div >
            <h2 key={id}>{name}</h2>

export default Technology; 


import React,{Fragment, useState} from 'react';
import Technology from './components/Technology'

 export type State = {
  id: number;
const App: React.FC = () => {

  const [items, setItems] = useState  <State[]>([
    {id:2 , name: ' Vue JS' },
    {id:3 , name: ' Node JS'},
    {id:4 , name: ' Angular JS'},
    {id:1 , name: ' React JS'}
  return (
        <h1>List of technologies</h1>
               technology= {item}  

export default App;


  • The props <Technology> accepts and the props you are passing in don't match up.

    export type State = {
      id: number;
    const Technology: React.FC <State[]>  = ({id,name}) => { ... }

    This expects props like:

    <Technology id={} name={} />

    You have to pass id and name as props explicitly.

    Or you could change Technology's props to this:

    export type State = {
      technology: {
        id: number;
    const Technology: React.FC <State[]>  = ({technology}) => {
      return ( 
        <div >
          <h2 key={}>{}</h2>

    And now you can pass in a single technology props like you have it above:

    <Technology technology={item} />