I'm trying to create external table on top of adls2 from azure data bricks and in location I gave "abfss://......". This is not working and throwing the below error
Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: MetaException(message:Got exception: shaded.databricks.xxxxx.org.apache.hadoop.fs.azurebfs.contracts.exceptions.ConfigurationPropertyNotFoundException Configuration property xxxxxx.dfs.core.windows.net not found.);;
If I'm giving mount point path in the location it is working as expected. Is there any other way we can create the table without the mount point?
After some research I figured out that we can create an external table by giving full path in the options.
Example of creating parquet table
(column1 int,
column2 int
USING PARQUET OPTIONS (PATH "abfss://container@storageAccount/.....")