Yesterday I wrote code to automatically send emails upon receiving an IPN notification from paypal. Everything worked great, and I spent the afternoon testing. Today, everything still works except that no emails are being sent. I recreated problem using the most basic code possible:
$this->Email->from = 'Jiminy <[email protected]>'; //fake email
$this->Email->to = '[email protected]'; //my email
$this->Email->subject = 'broken';
$this->Email->send('Test Send');
Using $this->Email->delivery = 'debug'; shows no problems, and I also attempted to use the native php mail() function to send a test email. Did not work.
I am hosted on Dreamhost, and am working live through a sandbox subdomain created in the past week. What could be going wrong in this case? Should I be looking into it from a hosting side? Any ideas?
thanks! Todd
Problem is solved. All emails came pouring in about 2 hours late. Seems there was a problem on the delivery side, so no change in code was needed.