I have been trying to convert Unicode strings to Latin in Teradata version I have seen many online forums but I was not able to formulate a solution. Following are some of the strings that I was unable to convert:
I have tried following solution but function translate_chk does not seems to work.
SELECT CASE WHEN Translate_Chk ( 'hyödyt' using UNICODE_TO_LATIN) <> 0
WHEN Translate_Chk ( 'hyödyt' using UNICODE_TO_LATIN ) = 0
Translate ( 'hyödyt' using UNICODE_TO_LATIN WITH ERROR)
END AS transalated
The error I receive is SELECT FAILED. 6706: The string contains untranslatable character.
I think I have reached a dead end, could anyone help me here?
I'm not familiar with Teradata, but the strings you have are double-mis-decoded as Windows-1252
, which is a variation of ISO-8859-1
a.k.a latin1
. Example to fix in Python:
>>> s='hyödyt'
>>> s.encode('cp1252').decode('utf8').encode('cp1252').decode('utf8')
>>> s='löydät'
>>> s.encode('cp1252').decode('utf8').encode('cp1252').decode('utf8')
So not a Teradata solution, but should help you figure it out.