Search code examples

Powershell Loops - New to Powershell

everyone. This question is going to be an easy answer for people whom are experienced in Powershell which I am not.

For unintentional reasons, we have a large number of users who have had a certain attribute changed on their accounts (adminCount). I want this attribute to be cleared instead of 1 and have found a script to do so:

set-aduser <username> -remove @{adminCount=1}

$user = get-aduser <username> -properties ntsecuritydescriptor


set-aduser <username> -replace @{ntsecuritydescriptor=$user.ntsecuritydescriptor}

What I need to do now is run this command for every user in a certain OU (which there are thousands). If anyone could help me come up with a loop that looks like the following, I would appreciate it:

For each user in (Certain Searchbase/OU)
     Run script

Thanks in advance, everyone!

EDIT: Currently, I have the following but am worried to test it since I am a Powershell noob and I only have a production environment right now:

$users = Get-ADUser -ldapfilter “(objectclass=user)” -searchbase “ou=companyusers,dc=enterpriseit,dc=co”
ForEach($user in $users)
set-aduser $user -remove @{adminCount=1}

$user = get-aduser $user -properties ntsecuritydescriptor


set-aduser $user -replace @{ntsecuritydescriptor=$user.ntsecuritydescriptor}



  • You can use the SearchBase parameter to specify the OU when calling the Get-Aduser cmdlet. Pipe that to the ForEach-Object cmdlet, and perform your operations.

    NOTE: I assigned the $_ variable to the variable $user just to demonstrate more clearly, since you mentioned you are new to PS.

    Get-Aduser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=foo,OU=bar,DC=domain,DC=com' -properties ntsecuritydescriptor | 
    ForEach-Object { 
    $user = $_; 
    Write-Host "Performing operations on: $($user.Name)"
    # DO Stuff with the user identity. 
    $user | Set-ADUser -Remove @{adminCount=1} -WhatIf
    $user | Set-ADUser -Replace @{ntsecuritydescriptor=$user.ntsecuritydescriptor} -WhatIf