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Modify a JSON response to send back to the api in Gatling/Scala

I am doing some Gatling and since I never do scala, I am kind of lost. I want to modify the JSON response from a JsonPath I receive before sending it back

My code look like this

    http("Get call")
    http("Post call")
      .header("content-type", "application/json")

For example, I want to change to the first name of the user receive in Json from the Get Call. I can't manage to find an answer to Gatling documentation


  • Thanks to Lars comment, I manage to find a solution. I was too focus on finding the specific method for Gatling that I forgot the basic way to do programming

    Here the new code

        http("Get call")
          .exec(session =>
              // put body response into variable
              val response = session("RESPONSE_DATA").as[String];
              // generate random string as you convenience
              val randomString = Random.alphanumeric.filter(_.isLetter).take(5).mkString;
              // use replace method to modify your json (which is right now a string)
              newResponse = response.replace(
                """specificKey":""" + randomString + "",
            }.set("RESPONSE_DATA", newResponse)
            // ^ really important to set the new value of session outside of brackets !!
        http("Post call")
          .header("content-type", "application/json")