I'm using Open API code generator Maven plugin to generate Open API 3.0 from a file. I'm using this plugin in in my pom.xml:
The plugin generates the API without any issues but instead of using Swagger v3 annotations it uses old Swagger annotations. For example parameters are annotated using @ApiParam
, instead @Parameter
annotation should be used from io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations
default ResponseEntity<Fault> getFault(@ApiParam(value = "",required=true) @PathVariable("jobId") String jobId) {
Because of it the latest Swagger UI isn't showing the documentation correctly. When I create an endpoint using swagger.v3 annotations then Swagger UI is working properly.
According to the official website https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/plugins/ , I should include this dependency:
But even with this dependency the plugin still generates sources with the old annotations.
How can I force Open API code generator to use Swagger v3 annotations?
V3 annotations are not supported at this moment.
You need to override mustache templates.
Check these PRs:
more info:
You can use upgraded templates from PRs above or wait when merged.