I've got an array 'products' displayed with v-for. For each product there is a button to add a product to an object 'order'. Object 'order' looks like
order: {
products: [{
quantity: 0,
When clicked a second time on that button, I want to increase the quantity with 1.
So, in Vuex where I pass the clicked object:
increaseQuantity(state, product){
return product.id === orderProduct.id
So far so good. I can see the quantity increase in the chrome developer tool.
Now the tricky thing, and I've no idea how to accomplish this, although it sounds easy: I want to show the quantity of each product in an input field next to the button. Problem is that I need the selected product in the v-model like this:
<div v-for="product in products" :key="product.id">
<input v-model="order.products.find((orderProduct)=>{
return product.id === orderProduct.id
}).quantity" />
The moment the product is added to the 'order' object, the quantity value of 0 is displayed in the input field, so the DOM updated. But nothing changes in the DOM when the quantity changes. However, the quantity did change in the vuex store.
Is there a way to solve this? I tried with :value instead of v-model, but same problem.
You should use this.$set
to make that change reactive :
increaseQuantity(state, product){
let index= state.order.products.findIndex((orderProduct)=>{
return product.id === orderProduct.id