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Finding solutions to Diophantine

I created a Python Program to find all solutions to a diophantine equation. Unforunately, the program just stops printing statements, with no errors. I inserted breakpoints, but could not resolve the problem:

print ("I will now solve a diophantine equation of form ax + by = c, where (a,b,c) are the coefficients and (x,y) are the solutions\n")

a = int(input("Enter a: "))
b = int(input("Enter b: "))
c = int(input("Enter c: "))

print ("\nGiven coefficients ("+str(a)+","+str(b)+","+str(c)+"), I will now find all solutions (x,y) to the given diophantine of " + str(a) +"x"+" + "+ str(b) +"y = "+ str(c))


def gcd(m, n):
  while n:
    n = n
    m % n
  return m

gcd = gcd(a,b)

if (c % gcd != 0):
  print ("\nYeah no, can't solve this.\n")
  for i in range (0,a):
    for j in range (0,b): 
      if (a*j+b*i == c): 
        x = j
        y = i
        print ("\nThe solutions to the diophantine " + str(a) +"x"+" + "+ str(b) +"y = "+ str(c) + " are (x,y) = (" + str(x) + "+"+str(b)+"t" + ","+str(y)+"-"+str(a)+"t)")

print ("\nThe GCD of (" + str(a)+","+str(b)+")"+" is " + str(gcd(a,b)))

Essentially, the program uses the Euclidean Algorithm to first test if there are solutions to the diophantine. If there are, the program uses a nested for loop to search for integer values for the variables of a diophantine to produce the correct solutions. But for some reason, my code just doesn't work and there are no error messages!


  • Or you can try this code modified_gcd to get the solution for the Diophantine equation. Over here I am not checking for the existence of the solution(can be done easily) but assuming that the solution exists.

    modified_gcd(int a,int b,int x, int y)
    int a = value of a.
    int b = value of b.
    int x = always set as 0.
    int y = always set as 0.
    def modified_gcd(a,b,x,y):
        if b==0:
            return [a,x,y]
        d,x1,y1 = gcd(b,a%b,x1,y1)
        x = y1
        y = x1-y1*(a//b)
        return [d,x,y]
    print (modified_gcd(47,30,0,0)[1:])

    Output Will be:

    [-7, 11].  # The value of x and y.

    No need to iterate through all the values of x and y.