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Powershell - JSON format to PAC file convert

I have used the following code to display JSON results but now need to change the script to display the output instead of side by side. I have tried a script like below, but just cant seem to get it to do what I want.

My question is :

  • I want to remove || before the last bracket. if (shExpMatch(host, "*") || shExpMatch(host, "*") || shExpMatch(host, "") || ) As a result , it will be if (shExpMatch(host, "*") || shExpMatch(host, "*") || shExpMatch(host, ""))

  • I need to change the script to display the my desired output instead of side by side.

Here is my script :

    $result = Invoke-WebRequest ""
    $services = ConvertFrom-Json $result
    $likeFilter = "12"
    $services = $services | Where-Object { $ -like $likeFilter } 
    $urls = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
    function add_url($url){
    if(!$urls.Contains($url)){ $urls.Add($url); }
    foreach($service in $services){
    foreach($url in $service.urls){ add_url($url);
    # OUTPUT
$txt_proxypacText += "// This PAC file will provide proxy config to Microsoft 365 services`r`n"
$txt_proxypacText += "//  using data from the public web service for all endpoints`r`n"
$txt_proxypacText += "function FindProxyForURL(url, host)`r`n"
$txt_proxypacText += "{`r`n"

$txt_proxypacText += "var direct = ""DIRECT"";`r`n"
$txt_proxypacText += "var proxyServer = ""PROXY"";`r`n"
$txt_proxypacText += "host = host.toLowerCase();`r`n"
$txt_proxypacText += "if ("

foreach($url in $urls){
$txt_proxypacText += "shExpMatch(host, ""$url"") || "

$txt_proxypacText += ")`r`n"
$txt_proxypacText += "{`r`n"
$txt_proxypacText += "`r`n return direct;"
$txt_proxypacText += "`r`n}"
$txt_proxypacText += "`r`n return proxyServer;"
$txt_proxypacText += "`r`n}"


// This PAC file will provide proxy config to Microsoft 365 services
//  using data from the public web service for all endpoints
function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
var direct = "DIRECT";
var proxyServer = "PROXY";
host = host.toLowerCase();
if (shExpMatch(host, "*") || shExpMatch(host, "*") || shExpMatch(host, "") || )

 return direct;
 return proxyServer;

My Desired Output :

// This PAC file will provide proxy config to Microsoft 365 services
//  using data from the public web service for all endpoints
function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
    var direct = "DIRECT";
    var proxyServer = "PROXY";

    host = host.toLowerCase();

    if(shExpMatch(host, "*")
        || shExpMatch(host, "*")
        || shExpMatch(host, ""))
        return direct;

    return proxyServer;


  • I would make use of a Here-String with a preformated set of shExpMatch(..) lines. Using that also relieves you from doubling quotes and string concatenations using +=

    # demo urls
    $urls = "*", "*", ""
    $hostMatches = $(for ($i = 0; $i -lt $urls.Count; $i++) {
        $prefix = if ($i -eq 0) { '' } else { '        || '}
        '{0}shExpMatch(host, "{1}")'-f $prefix,  $urls[$i]
    }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
    $txt_proxypacText = @"
    // This PAC file will provide proxy config to Microsoft 365 services
    //  using data from the public web service for all endpoints
    function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
        var direct = "DIRECT";
        var proxyServer = "PROXY";
        host = host.toLowerCase();
        if ($hostMatches)
            return direct;
        return proxyServer;


    // This PAC file will provide proxy config to Microsoft 365 services
    //  using data from the public web service for all endpoints
    function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
        var direct = "DIRECT";
        var proxyServer = "PROXY";
        host = host.toLowerCase();
        if (shExpMatch(host, "*")
            || shExpMatch(host, "*")
            || shExpMatch(host, ""))
            return direct;
        return proxyServer;

    As requested, I think the top part of the code, where you are gathering the urls in an arraylist can be done much easier.

    One note before: You are using a $likeFilter variable with a string "12".
    In that case, you could probably better use the -eq operator instead of the -like operator that has more use for filtering with wildcards (i.e. "12*").

    For now, I'm assuming you want to get only the service with id matching "12" exactly.

    $url    = ""
    $filter = 12
    # get an array of urls from the service(s) that get through the filter
    $urls = ((Invoke-WebRequest $url | ConvertFrom-Json) | Where-Object { $ -eq $filter }).urls | Select-Object -Unique