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Getting client ip in apache

Here is my logging config:

LogFormat "{\
\"x-forwarded-for\": \"%{X-Forwarded-For}i\"\
}" my_logs_json

I need to get only the left most ip address from x-forwarded-for. Is there a way I can get it in apache ? What I have tried is Get correct IP but it hasn't worked for me or I am doing it wrong.


I have been doing it wrong. I needed to pass the variable I had set in the vhost as described in the Get correct IP post, in the LogFormat instead of "%{X-Forwarded-For}i".


  • I was not passing name of the variable I had set in the vhost and instead I was leaving "%{X-Forwarded-For}i" as it is. Added variable name instead of this and it solved the issue.