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python pandas drop duplicate columns by condition

i want to drop duplicate columns by condition so what i want to do is where "type" is the same(duplicate) drop the "number" one

i got this


and i want to have this



  • You can chain 2 conditions - select all non one values by compare for and inverted mask with Series.duplicated:

    df1 = df[df['number'].ne('one') | ~df['type'].duplicated(keep=False)]
    print (df1)
       col1  col2  col3  col4  col5 type number
    1     3     2     6    11     5    A    two
    2     4     4     0    22     7    C    two
    3     5     6    11     8     3    D    one
    5     2     1     6     3     2    B    two
    6     6     5     7     9     9    E    two

    Another idea with ordered categoricals:

    cats = pd.unique(['one'] + df['number'].unique().tolist())
    df['number'] = pd.Categorical(df['number'], categories=cats, ordered=True)
    df2 = df.sort_values('number').drop_duplicates(subset=['type'], keep='last').sort_index()
    print (df2)
       col1  col2  col3  col4  col5 type number
    1     3     2     6    11     5    A    two
    2     4     4     0    22     7    C    two
    3     5     6    11     8     3    D    one
    5     2     1     6     3     2    B    two
    6     6     5     7     9     9    E    two