I am writing a script that can do something like:
script-name --resource1=xxx --resource2=xxx
But this can go up to 50+. Is there a way to make GetOpt accept dynamic option names?
What about auto-generating the options list for Getopt::Long like example below? Since the list of options will be likely pretty long, using Getopt::ArgvFile allow you to supply configuration file with options instead of specifying them on command-line.
use Getopt::Long;
use Getopt::ArgvFile;
use Data::Dump;
my @n = (1 .. 10); # how many resources allowed
my %opts = (
port => ':i',
http_version => ':s',
invert_string => ':s',
ssl => '',
expect => ':s',
string => ':s',
post_data => ':s',
max_age => ':i',
content_type => ':s',
regex => ':s',
eregi => ':s',
invert_regex => '',
authorization => ':s',
useragent => ':s',
pagesize => ':s',
expected_content_type => ':s',
verify_xml => '',
rc => ':i',
hostheader => ':s',
cookie => ':s',
encoding => ':s',
max_redirects => ':i',
onredirect_follow => ':i',
yca_cert => ':s',
my %args = ();
map {
my $i = $_;
( "resource$i:s", map { "resource${i}_$_$opts{$_}" } keys %opts )
} @n
) or die;
dd \%args;