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How to access [(ngModel)] from another component?

I have a common component which holds ngx-quill component. Which I want to call in several other components for getting editor instead of input field. I was successful in making that work. But I am using ngModels to do two way data binding, which can not be used on Div. How can I access them in my common component.

So this is my common component :




import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import * as _ from 'underscore';

    selector: 'app-quill-editor',
    templateUrl: './common_component.html'

export class CommanQuillComponent {

    ) {}


This is where I am calling it :


        placeholder=" "

main_component.ts holds nothing but variable declaration.

Now problem here is ngModel can not be used on div(it will throw error), html considers as div tag, then calls inside it, I want to have that ngModel on , I can not put it manually as this is going to be used as common component.

Please help me understand how can I achieve this data binding ?

Thank you for support and let me know if more understandable code should be added to the post.


  • What your looking for is ControlValueAccessor for implementing custom form control so that two-way data binding can work on custom component.

    Let's say you binded value variable on the quill-editor:

    <quill-editor [ngModel]="value" (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)"></quill-editor>
      providers: [
          provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
          useExisting: forwardRef(() => CommanQuillComponent),
          multi: true
    export class CommanQuillComponent implements ControlValueAccessor() {
       value: string = '';
       // Add other properties as Input
       placeholder: string;
       propagateChange = (_: any) => {};
       registerOnChange(fn) {
        this.propagateChange = fn;
      writeValue(value: string) {
         this.value = value; // <- you receive the value which is binded to this component here
      onChange(event: string) {
         this.value = event;
         this.propagateChange(event); // <- you export the value so the binded variable is updated

    Now you can use two-way data binding on that CommanQuillComponent:

            placeholder=" "

    There are many articles online that you can read to get more details: