I have the below code in a batch file, which if double clicked will create a task TimeLogger in task scheduler which will execute start.vbs file on 16:50 on every day from monday to friday
SchTasks /Create /SC WEEKLY /D MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI /TN "TimeLogger" /TR "%cd%\start.vbs" /ST 16:15
I am doing this via command promt because i want to send it to my peers, who can just double click the file to create this task.
But I need to modify the task so that it will be triggered by an Event (Event it 20225).I am able to create this from task scheduler UI, but how ill i do this from cmd, so i can make it into a batch file?
You can try this:
schtasks /Create ^
/SC Onevent ^
/MO "*[Application/EventID=20225]" ^
/EC Application ^
/TN "TimeLogger" ^
/TR "start.vbs" ^