how can I limit the number of checked checkboxes in android? I have multiple checkboxes being added programatically and it's difficult to keep track of them.
here's the code used to add them:
final CheckBox currentVariantCheckbox = new CheckBox(getApplicationContext());
Log.d(TAG, "onDataChange: added " + currentVariantCheckbox + " to the checkboxgrouplist; size = " + checkBoxGroupList.size());
currentVariantCheckbox.setChecked((Boolean) currentVariant.child("checked").getValue());
LinearLayout checkboxGroupLayout = new LinearLayout(getApplicationContext());
TextView currentVariantPriceTag = new TextView(getApplicationContext());
if (currentVariant.child("price").exists()) {
currentVariantPriceTag.setText("+" + currentVariant.child("price").getValue(float.class).toString() + " €");
ok so instead of using a onCheckedStateChangedLister I used OnClickListener. And I created an ArrayList to keep track of all the checked checkboxes:
final ArrayList<CheckBox> checkedList = new ArrayList<>();//this is the list to keep track of checked checkboxes
int maxOptions = 3
int minOptions = 1
currentVariantCheckbox.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
Boolean currentCheckState = currentVariantCheckbox.isChecked();
if (currentCheckState) {//if the clicked checkboxes was unchecked and is now checked
Log.d(TAG, "onClick: added " + currentVariantCheckbox + " ;checkedList.size is now: " + checkedList.size());
if (checkedList.size() >= maxOptions) {
checkedList.remove(0);// if limit exceeded remove the first element from the checked list
Log.d(TAG, "onCheckedChanged: checkedList's size is now: " + checkedList.size());
} else if (checkedList.size() <= minOptions) {
// if the list is empty just add the clicked checkbox to the list for example here 0
// and it will be checked automatically
} else {
// if the checkbox was already checked and no limit is exceeded
// then it will be unchecked therfore it should be removed from checkedList