I wanted to load some module type definitions in Monaco inside a react app for tutorial purposes.
I actually managed to get it working after much pain but in a very hacky way. So I'm not asking how to do it, but rather, how to do it right.
The part I hope I can solve with Webpack is that right now I made a Node.js script that take all the .d.ts
file it can find in the build folder of a private npm module and save them inside a large .json file.
in this format
{ [filePath]: 'fileContentAsString' }
Then in react I import that json and call addExtraLib
for each one.
for (const filePath in sdkTypesJson) {
// We add every .d.ts file to Monaco
'file:///' + filePath.replace('dist/src/', '')
Is there a way with some webpack magic to avoid having to create the json file?
After two days of pain and misery, this is what I found work the best.
const files = require.context('!!raw-loader!./node_modules/my-module-name/dist/src/', true, /\.d.ts$/);
files.keys().forEach((key: string) => {
// We add every .d.ts file to Monaco
'file:///node_modules/my-module-name/' + key.substr(2)
tell Webpack to bundle all file from that path that matches the regex. Here I get all the .d.ts
files containing the type description of my module.
tell to load the file without trying to execute it. It would crash the browser. You need to install the raw-loader module for Webpack.
Then you can have code like this in your embedded Monaco instance and have the typing Intellisense working like it would in vs-code.
import {
} from '@my-module-name';
export default async function run(value: string) {
alert('Code ran. Value passed is ' + value);
Back in your app code, you can then get the code from Monaco and eval the code. In my case when the user press a 'run' button in a react app.
const model = editor.current.getModel();
if (model && sdk.current && editorType === 'text') {
// Be cool if Monaco worker could transpile the file to js. Don't work for some reason.
// Monaco.languages.typescript.getTypeScriptWorker()
// .then(function(worker) {
// worker(model.uri)
// .then(function(client) {
// client.getEmitOutput(model.uri.toString()).then((output: any) => {
// console.log(output);
// });
// });
// });
// @ts-ignore
const js = window.ts.transpile(model.getValue());
const setup = `const exports = { default: null };`;
const final = setup + ' ' + js;
try {
const runMethod = eval(final);
const newState = await runMethod('My value');
} catch (error) {
In theory, you should be able to ask the Monaco typescript worker to transpile the file for you but I couldn't manage to make it work.
So I loaded the typescriptServices
in my react index.html file with this line for now.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/typescript@latest/lib/typescriptServices.js"></script>