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Can I consume an AWS MSK kafka topic from a Lambda function?

I thought it would be trivial to use a lambda to consume messages coming to a topic in a AWS MSK Kafka cluster, but I could not find a way to do it from the AWS docs. Is it possible in some way?


  • Yes. You can by using a Kafka client library in you Lambda code. Find an example for Python below:

    #!/bin/env python
    import json
    import logging
    import time
    import os
    from kafka import KafkaConsumer               
    Read data from MSK and console it out.
    Required environment variables:
    MSK_BOOTSTRAP_SRV: MSK Bootstrap servers. 
    MSK_TOPIC_NAME: MSK topic. 
    kafka_client = None
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    def lambda_handler(event, context):
        logger.debug('MSK consumer starts.')
            consumer = KafkaConsumer(os.environ['MSK_TOPIC_NAME'], auto_offset_reset='earliest',
                                 bootstrap_servers=os.environ['MSK_BOOTSTRAP_SRV'], api_version=(0, 10), consumer_timeout_ms=1000)
            for msg in consumer:
            if consumer is not None:
        except Exception as ex:
            logger.error('Exception: {}'.format(ex))