I have the following json look like:
"message": "Something message here"
"data": [
{ "_id": "671672167bhw2hw"
"photo": "https://uploads.example.com/671672167bhw2hw.jpg"
"description": "Something description here"
"date": "2020-07-01T09:44:15.448Z"
"user": "John Doe"
I used SwiftifyJSON library to decode and parsing JSON. My code is look like:
class Post: NSObject {
var message: String
var text: String?
var photoURL: URL?
var date: Date?
init(json: JSON) {
self.user = User(id: json["user_id"].stringValue,
name: json["user"].stringValue,
photoURL: URL(string: json["user_photo"].stringValue))
self.message = json["message"].stringValue
self.objectId = json["data"]["_id"].stringValue
self.text = json["data"]["description"].string
self.date = DateFormatter.iso8601.date(from: json["data"]["date"].stringValue)
and my ApiManager extensions
static func getPosts(before date: Date? = nil, withSuccess success: @escaping (Bool, [Post]) -> Void) {
guard let url = URL(string: ApiEndpoint.Wall.getPosts) else {
success(false, [Post]())
var json = [String: String]()
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
ApiManager.request(url: url, method: .post, parameters: json) { response, statusCode in
switch statusCode {
case 200:
success(true, ApiManager.getWallPostsFrom(response: response))
default: break
success(false, [Post]())
private static func getPostsFrom(response: DataResponse<Any>) -> [Post] {
var result = [Post]()
guard let value = response.result.value,
let jsonArray = JSON(value).array else { return result }
for json in jsonArray {
let object = Post(json: json)
return result
I get response with 200, it's OK. But still not working for displaying data in PostViewController. What is wrong? Additionaly I use my own libraries for tabs in application like Contacts, Messages, Discussion Panel and more, so I use my own library with some files, models, views, assets for any tab.
Below is my PostViewController for displaying data from JSON.
private func tryGetPosts() {
canLoadPosts = false
tableView.dataState = .downloading
ApiManager.getPosts(before: Posts.last?.date) { [weak self] (success, objects) in
self?.tableView.dataState = .noData
print("Objects count: ", objects)
guard objects.count > 0 else { return }
#warning("Insert animation")
self?.Posts += objects
let indexPaths = (self!.Posts.count - objects.count ..< self!.Posts.count)
.map { IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }
self?.tableView.insertRows(at: indexPaths, with: .top)
self?.Posts.insert(contentsOf: objects, at: self?.Posts.count ?? 0)
self?.canLoadWallPosts = true
Please for any reply and advice. Best regards.
The answer for this problem was in JSON(value).array
If your JSON structure have like "data" array you can write JSON(value)["data"].array
. SwiftyJSON is really friendly and easy library.