I'm trying to await a custom global JavaScript function:
var promise = js.context.callMethod('performAuthenticationInNewWindow', [uri.toString()]);
var qs = await promiseToFuture(promise);
Which prints the following:
[object Promise]
NoSuchMethodError: tried to call a non-function, such as null: 'jsPromise.then'
I came across the same mistake. Given the name dart:js_util
of the package which contains the function promiseToFuture(), I too thought the function should be used with a object obtained with dart:js
, but is not so, and the sample in the doc is actually very clear.
The javascript Promise object must be obtained using the @JS()
annotation of package:js
library my_lib; //Not avoid the library annotation
import 'dart:js_util';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
external performAuthenticationInNewWindow(String uri);
performAuth(uri) async {
var promise = performAuthenticationInNewWindow(uri.toString());
var qs = await promiseToFuture(promise);
Note to avoid mistake:
if a function for the interop with Javascript require an object obtained with the dart:js
package, the declared type is usally not Object
but JsObject
or subclasses. Instead, if the object must be obtained using the @JS
annotation, the declared type is Object
, if it doesn't exists an appropriate external declaration
(the runtimeType of the objects obtained with the @JS annotation is NativeJavaScriptObject
, but there is no corresponding class exposed in the Dart Sdk).