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ffmpeg save difference between 2 videos to file

I'm currently trying to learn everything related to videos and encountered a problem that I need help with.

The Question is: How can I save the difference between 2 videos to a seperate file with ffmpeg?
For example here is the ffplay command I'm trying with: (Source:

ffplay -f lavfi "movie=left.mp4,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,split=3[a0][a1][a2];

In this case I would want to have the bottom left video saved to a new file.
Can someone help me get together the right ffmpeg filter and explain the proccessing of ffmpeg?


  • Your modified command:

    ffmpeg -i left.mp4 -i right.mp4 -filter_complex "[0][1]blend=c0_mode=difference[y];[0]lutyuv=y=val:u=128:v=128[uv];[y][uv]mergeplanes=0x001112:yuv420p[v]" -map "[v]" output.mp4

    See documentation for blend, lutyuv, and mergeplanes filters.