I am writing a plugin that needs to swap contents of a certain JSON file after all of the modules were bundled. I implemented it in 2 steps: loader replaces content with a placeholder, and the plugin replaces the placeholder.
the loader looks like this:
const loader = function(source) {
return JSON.stringify('REGENERATED_JSON');
the plugin looks roughly like this:
compilation.hooks.optimizeChunkAssets.tapAsync(PLUGIN_NAME, (chunks, callback) => {
chunks.forEach((chunk) => {
chunk.files.forEach((filePath) => {
const asset = compilation.assets[filePath];
const source = asset.source();
replacements.forEach((id) => {
const pattern = 'JSON.parse("\\"REGENERATED_JSON\\"")';
const index = source.indexOf(pattern);
if (index < 0) return;
const content = JSON.stringify(json_content, null, 2);
const updatedSource = new ReplaceSource(asset);
updatedSource.replace(index, index + pattern.length, content);
compilation.assets[filePath] = updatedSource;
This code has several issues:
Is there a way to solve these problems within webpack?
This comment helped me solve the issue: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/8830#issuecomment-580095801
In short:
to get to the modules after every module was parsedcompilation.rebuildModule(module, callback)
, use promisify
from built in utils
package to convert to a promise to handle multiple parallel rebuilds