I have a .csv containing with a large amount of columns and rows. I use python to read the csv and create a table/feature class in ArcGIS and populate the table with the rows from then .csv. I am looking for the best way/shorthand method of the following:
I have a list representing the first row of the .csv "csv_headers".
A short example CSV below shows the list would be:
csv_headings = ['Key', 'X', 'Y', 'Value1', 'Value2'...]
Key X Y Value1 Value2 ...
2221 192934 875767 96.4 95.4
2222 194459 834763 96.3 99.9
2223 193934 905606 90.6 95.1
2224 191974 855100 91.0 95.2
Currently the following is used to populate the table/feature class in ArcGIS:
with open("C:\\path_to_csv.csv", 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for row in reader:
# Create the feature
feature = cursor.newRow()
# Add the point geometry to the feature
vertex = arcpy.CreateObject("Point")
vertex.X = row['X']
vertex.Y = row['Y']
feature.shape = vertex
# Add attributes
feature.Key = row['Key']
feature.X = row['X']
feature.Y = row['Y']
feature.Value1 = row['Value1']
feature.Value2 = row['Value2']
My full dataset has 43 columns, and currently is all written in manually as "feature.ValueX = row['ValueX'] for 43 lines, which I am looking to shorten.
Essentially I'd like to iterate through "csv_headers" as x and apply x as both the attribute name and the row title, hypothetically:
# Add attributes
for x in csv_headers:
feature.x = row[x]
However this will not work, just wondering what the correct way of thinking around this might be? Any help would be appreciated.
The short answer is:
for attr in csv_headings:
setattr(feature, attr, row[attr])
and the setattr
docs is here.