How to check if the visitor entered any Arabic numbers like (۱, ۲, ۳)
Example: "Hi ۱ Sir, OK ۲ ۳ Thanks" in the "Text field" or "Text area" using C# (MVC or Core) or by using SQL Server Stored Procedure?
Note that I send the value via API using Ajax to the Controller, so I can process it in C# or send it to SQL Server Procedure to check it, and if it has Arabic numbers then return True or False.
I found many solutions in JavaScript but the visitor can pass it easily in browser console:
checkAR = function(){return false};
Please Advise.
for C#
static bool CheckArabicWords(string arabicText)
Regex regex = new Regex("[\u0600-\u06FF]");
return regex.IsMatch(arabicText);
for sql
Create Function [dbo].[IsArabic] (@text varchar(max))
Returns bit
if(@text like '%[أ-ي]%')
return 1;
return 0;