I'm trying to send the data that I receive in the broadcast(registered in manifest) in the viewmodel or in the repository is not particularly important, I tried to do it both through the live date and through RxJava2, but there is data inside the broadcast class i can see, but it does not come to the viewmodel or repository, thank you.
class MyBroadcastReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() {
private val dataList = MutableLiveData<ArrayList<Words>>()
private var observer: Observable<ArrayList<Words>> = Observable.just(arrayListOf())
override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) {
val arrayObject =
intent?.extras?.getParcelableArrayList<Words>("KEY") as ArrayList<Words>?
arrayObject.let { dataList.postValue(it) }
arrayObject.let { observer = Observable.just(it) }
observer = Observable.create { emitter: ObservableEmitter<ArrayList<Words>> ->
fun getDataList() : LiveData<ArrayList<Words>> = dataList
fun getDataListRx() : Observable<ArrayList<Words>> = observer
ViewModel class:
class MyViewModel(
private val broadcastReceiver: MyBroadcastReceiver,
private val activity: DaggerActivity) : ViewModel() {
init {
private fun test() {
Log.d("WAS_INTENT", "DateRepSuccess")
Log.d("WAS_INTENT", "DateRepError")
broadcastReceiver.getDataList().observe(activity, Observer {
Log.d("WAS_INTENT", "DateRepSuccessLiveData")
After many attempts, I found out that the liveData works, so maybe someone will need it. RxJava still don`t , I don’t know why yet.