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Perl threads with alarm

Is there any way to get alarm (or some other timeout mechanism) working in perl (>=5.012) threads?


  • Run alarm in your main thread, with a signal handler that signals your active threads.

    use threads;
    $t1 = threads->create( \&thread_that_might_hang );
    $t2 = threads->create( \&thread_that_might_hang );
    $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
        if ($t1->is_running) { $t1->kill('ALRM'); }
        if ($t2->is_running) { $t2->kill('ALRM'); }
    alarm 60;
    # $t1->join; $t2->join;
    sleep 1 until $t1->is_joinable; $t1->join;
    sleep 1 until $t2->is_joinable; $t2->join;
    sub thread_that_might_hang {
        $SIG{ALRM} = sub { 
            print threads->self->tid(), " got SIGALRM. Good bye.\n";
        ... do something that might hang ...

    If you need different alarms for each thread, look into a module that allows you to set multiple alarms like Alarm::Concurrent.

    Edit: commentors point out threads::join interferes with SIGALRM, so you may need to test $thr->is_joinable rather than calling $thr->join