As a newbie to F#, I have read many references to starting a new project with the "F# Empty Windows Application (WPF)". However, the template does not show up in my Visual Studio 2019 Community edition. Downloading and installing it fails as well.
Is there a good template to start a new project in F# for WPF?
Thanks in advance.
There are no templates because there are no designers that map XAML to F# code however you can use the following alternatives:
You can create a C# project and build your UI and then take the XAML into an F# project by leveraging the XAML type provider which will get you the structure and types of your UI components. There is a nice tutorial here although I haven't tried it myself and it might be a bit old.
You can use the C# XAML generated and do the binding manually in an empty F# project .
You can use the generated XAML and Elmish.WPF using the MVU model which I suggested earlier.
You can avoid XAML altogether and use Fabulous to build the UI programatically. This uses Xamarin though. This has however, some nice project templates and also follows the MVU model.