In a new project we use MvcMailer, it's great and I would like to know how I can test it using Rhino and NUnit? There's an other post on SO and a good Wiki page but it's not what I'm looking for. For my controllers I usualy test them with MvcContrib's Testhelper
Don't know what is the best way to do this and I'm looking for help, thanks everyone!
Here's the code how I did it :
// arrange
var passwordMailer = MockRepository.GeneratePartialMock<PasswordMailer>();
passwordMailer.Stub(mailer => mailer.PopulateBody(Arg<MailMessage>.Is.Anything, Arg.Is("ForgotPassword"), Arg<string>.Is.Null, Arg<Dictionary<string, string>>.Is.Null));
// act
var mailMessage = passwordMailer.ForgotPassword("", "4454-8838-73773");
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(string.Format(Login.mailBody, "4454-8838-73773"), passwordMailer.ViewBag.Body);
Assert.AreEqual(Login.mailSubject, mailMessage.Subject);
Assert.AreEqual("", mailMessage.To.First().ToString());
As you can see it, you can achieve it using partialMock functionnality from Rhino.