As the title says - when I perform an "INSERT" statement, I can't see the results unless I re-open PL/SQL Developer.
To make things a bit more clear: After I perform this statement on the empty table "worker_temp" -
insert into worker_temp
select * from worker_b
I see that 100 records have been inserted:
But when I try to see the results using this query:
select * from worker_temp;
But only after I quit PL/SQL Developer and re-open it, I can see the records that I inserted earlier:
Is there a way to see the changes without closing and re-opening PL/SQL Developer?
What I've tried so far:
I've tried to refresh the table using right click on it:
And I've also tried to refresh the whole tables folder:
I also tried committing -
But I'm not sure what that even is.
Tool agnostic way:
insert into worker_temp
select * from worker_b;
Judging by all the screenshots you are likely getting separate database sessions in 'each' tab you are using - which is a good thing. You have to issue the commit on the same session that performed the insert. Another way of understanding this:
insert into worker_temp select * from worker_b;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows inserted but not committed ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT);
-- 'undo' the insert by rolling back the insert instead of commit.