Let's say I have a reagent atom with a vector of maps like this:
(def my-atom (reagent/atom {:id 256
:name "some name"
:lines [{:code "ab43" :name "first nested name" :quantity 4}
{:code "bc22" :name "second nested name" :quantity 1}
{:code "lu32" :name "third nested name" :quantity 1}}] }))
How can I update the value of a key :quantity at a certain vector nested index, for example: update line with code "bc22" to 10 quantity.
This need to filter to get the index of vector, but haven't the index because filter by "code":
(swap! my-atom assoc-in [:lines 1 :quantity] 10)
I can find with filter, but I can't swap! quantity:
(->> (:lines @my-atom)
(filter #(= (:code %) "bc22")
You can stick with the use of assoc-in
but to do so, you have to retrieve the index associated to a given code from the vector of the :lines
field in some way.
For example, I would a helper function:
(defn code->index [data code]
(->> data
(map-indexed (fn [i v] [i v]))
(filter (fn [[_ v]] (= (:code v) code)))
;; (code->index @my-atom "bc22")
;; => 1
And then use it in the swap:
(swap! my-atom assoc-in [:lines (code->index @my-atom "bc22") :quantity] 10)