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Connect to MySQL database in PHP

I'm trying to build a blog website.
It is deployed on Heroku and it is supposed to connect to a MySQL database. The info required to login to my database is stored in an environment variable on Heroku, and looks like this (These are fake credentials of course):


It contains the DB name, the user, the password and the host.

Is there a way to use this one string directly in my PHP code to connect to the database? I checked MySQLi and PDO documentation, and it seems like they only accept DSN/user/password or Host/user/password/DBname format.


  • This is a url after all, so you can use parse_url function to extract data.

    // Connection string from environmental variable in heroku
    $connectionStringHerokuEnv = 'mysql://';
    $parsed = parse_url($connectionStringHerokuEnv);
    $dbname = ltrim($parsed['path']. '/'); // PATH has prepended / at the beginning, it needs to be removed
    // Connecting to the database
    $conn = new PDO("{$parsed['scheme']}:host={$parsed};$dbname={$dbname};charset=utf8mb4", $parsed['user'], $parsed['pass'], [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION]);

    For database connection you should always use PDO and not mysqli driver. PDO allows you to connect to almost any database, without rewriting code in 85% of cases.

    dont forget options [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION], this will allow you to catch any errors and handle them accordingly to application needs.

    PDO accept this connection string driver: host=DATABASE_HOST;dbname=DATABASE_NAME; charset=DEFAULT_CHARSET(use utf8 whenever you can)

    Learn more on parse_url:

    Learn more on PDO: