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Can PHP's require be used to require the head and body at the same time?

Is it possible to use PHP to include the contents of the <body> on one page, and add it to the <body> of the other page, while doing the same thing for the header? Or is it just easier / better to use two pages? This is kind of what I'm going for:

Some Page

 - nav.php's header -
 - stuff special to Some Page -
 - nav.php's body -
 - content special to Some Page -

I know the require statement can be used to take the whole contents of a file. Is there some sort of "merge" statement to kind of merge the pages together?


  • You are going to run into all sorts of security, re-use and maintenance issues if you rely on the inline behaviour of included files in PHP. But if you stick to some simple rules you can avoid these problems:

    • Any HTML tag opened by PHP must be closed in the same scope (i.e. function)
    • Included files must only contain namespace, constant, function and object definitions or further include/require statements (but using the autoloader is prefereable).

    So applying these to your base page above, and observing the established good practice of putting includes/requires at the top of your page....

    // always start your page with a PHP block - it makes interfering with the headers
    // much less painful
    function local_head_content()
    function local_body_content()

    But it would probably be better to invoke local_head_content() / local_body_content() as callbacks from nav content.

    (yes it is possible to do what you ask, even without function calls - but it would be a very bad idea which is why I've not explained how to do this).

    A more conventional approach to solving the problem of shared content across different files is to use a front controller pattern - instead of the webserver selecting the page specific content, this is done in the PHP code with all URLs pointing to the same entry script.