I'm a Swift newbie and am having a bit of trouble understanding what a variadic parameter is exactly, and why it's useful. I'm currently following along with the online Swift 5.3 guide, and this is the example that was given for this type of parameter.
func arithmeticMean(_ numbers: Double...) -> Double {
var total: Double = 0
for number in numbers {
total += number
return total / Double(numbers.count)
arithmeticMean(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
// returns 3.0, which is the arithmetic mean of these five numbers
arithmeticMean(3, 8.25, 18.75)
// returns 10.0, which is the arithmetic mean of these three numbers
Apparently, the variadic parameter called numbers
has a type of Double...
, which allows it to be used in the body of the function as a constant array. Why does the function return Double(numbers.count)
instead of just numbers.count
? And instead of creating a variadic parameter, why not just create a parameter that takes in an array that's outside of the function like this?
func addition(numbers : [Int]) -> Int
var total : Int = 0
for number in numbers
total += number
return total
let totalBruhs : [Int] = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 69]
addition(numbers: totalBruhs)
Also, why can there only be one variadic parameter per function?
Variadic parameters need (well, not need, but nice) to exist in Swift because they exist in C, and many things in Swift bridge to C. In C, creating a quick array of arbitrary length is not so simple as in Swift.
If you were building Swift from scratch with no backwards compatibility to C, then maybe they'd have been added, and maybe not. (Though I'm betting yes, just because so many Swift developers are used to languages where they exist. But then again, languages like Zig have intentionally gotten rid of variadic parameters, so I don't know. Zig also demonstrates that you don't need variadic parameters to bridge to C, but still, it's kind of nice. And @Rob's comments below are worth reading. He's probably not wrong. Also, his answer is insightful.)
But they're also convenient because you don't need to add the [...]
, which makes it much nicer when there's just one value. In particular, consider something like print
func print(_ items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n")
Without variadic parameters, you'd need to put [...]
in every print
call, or you'd need overloads. Variadic doesn't change the world here, but it's kind of nice. It's particularly nice when you think about the ambiguities an overload would create. Say you didn't have variadics and instead had two overloads:
func print(_ items: [Any]) { ... }
func print(_ item: Any) { print([item]) }
That's actually a bit ambiguous, since Array is also a kind of Any. So print([1,2,3])
would print [[1,2,3]]
. I'm sure there's some possible work-arounds, but variadics fix that up very nicely.
There can be only one because otherwise there are ambiguous cases.
func f(_ xs: Int..., _ ys: Int...)
What should f(1,2,3)
do in this case? What is xs
and what is ys
The function you've shown here doesn't return Double(numbers.count)
. It converts numbers.count
to a Double so it can be divided into another Double. The function returns total / Double(numbers.count)