I need to initialize a maptyped attribute of a item with defaultvalues of map.
lets say that we have defined a maptype
<maptype code="dummyMap" argumenttype="java.lang.String" returntype="java.lang.String" autocreate="true" generate="false" />
and we have declared a itemtype as
<itemtype code="dummyItem" autocreate="true" ...>
<attribute qualifier="dummyAttribute" type="dummyMap">
<defaultvalue>???</defaultvalue> <<<<<========= How should we initialize ?????
As an example in similar case for an enum type attribute we define the default Value as
How do we apply the same for a Maptyped attribute. Please let me know on how to initiale the attribute with a map value.
With the latset version of Hybris, you can try passing a java.util.Collections.singletonMap
<defaultvalue>java.util.Collections.singletonMap("one", java.math.BigDecimal.ONE)</defaultvalue>
When I tested it with Hybris v1811 (as shown below),
<items xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<maptype code="DummyMap"
<itemtype code="DummyItem" autocreate="true">
<deployment table="DummyItem" typecode="30001" />
<attribute qualifier="uname" type="java.lang.String">
<modifiers read="true" write="true" search="true" initial="true" optional="false"/>
<persistence type="property"></persistence>
<attribute qualifier="dummyAttribute" type="DummyMap">
<modifiers read="true" write="true" search="true" initial="true" optional="false"/>
<defaultvalue>java.util.Collections.singletonMap("one", java.math.BigDecimal.ONE)</defaultvalue>
<persistence type="property"></persistence>
the XML Representation of DummyItem
in the backoffice showed:
<itemtype code="DummyItem" extends="GenericItem" jaloclass="org.training.jalo.DummyItem" generate="true" singleton="false" jaloonly="false" autocreate="true">
<deployment table="dummyitem" typecode="30001"/>
<attribute generate="true" autocreate="true" qualifier="dummyAttribute" type="DummyMap"><!-- could not export defaultvalue '{one=1}' -->
<persistence type="property" qualifier=""/>
<modifiers read="true" write="true" search="true" encrypted="false" optional="false" removable="true" initial="true" unique="false" private="false" partof="false"/>
<attribute generate="true" autocreate="true" qualifier="uname" type="java.lang.String">
new java.lang.String( "Hello" )
<persistence type="property" qualifier=""/>
<modifiers read="true" write="true" search="true" encrypted="false" optional="false" removable="true" initial="true" unique="false" private="false" partof="false"/>
As you can see, it was able to pass new java.lang.String( "Hello" )
as the default value for the attribute, uname
but for the attribute, dummyAttribute
, it shows, <!-- could not export defaultvalue '{one=1}' -->