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Comparison of two arrays in perl

I am trying to compare the content of two arrays and I need the final output as "Matched" or "Not Matched" I have written the below code and it is giving the expected output. However, can anyone suggest me any other simple way of doing it

use strict;
use warnings;
 #Numeric scalar

my @array_1= (10,20,40,19);
my @array_2= (10,30,23,19);

print "@array_1\n";
my $count=0;
while ($count < scalar @array_1){
   for (@array_2) {
       if ($array_1[$count] == $array_2[$count]) {
        print "matched\n";
    else {
        print "Not matched\n";


  • Above solution is good. Also you can use module

    Array::Compare - Perl extension for comparing arrays. If you have two arrays and you want to know if they are the same or different, then Array::Compare will be useful to you. All comparisons are carried out via a comparator object.

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Array::Compare;
    my @array_1= (10,20,40,19);
    my @array_2= (10,30,23,19,66);
    my $comp = Array::Compare->new;
    if ($comp->compare(\@array_1, \@array_2)) {
      print "Arrays are the same (Matched)\n";
    } else {
      print "Arrays are different (Not Matched)\n";


    Arrays are different (Not Matched)