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Nginx subrequest response encoding issue

I have a Nginx server with location and simple NJS scenario where I need to parse the response of surequest. The response from API has such a header:

"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "Cache-Control": "no-store", "Content-Encoding": "gzip", ...

When I am trying to read responseBody it looks like below:


The issue is reproducing only in NJS. It looks like an encoding issue. Is anybody knows how to fix it and parse such a response?

PS: I have tried to check JSON response from another API and got the same encoding issue. Nginx version is 1.19.1 and NJS is 0.4.2


  • The issue was in gzip encoding. Decoding the response helped me. I have added this directive to location and now it's working correct.

    gunzip on;