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Tensorflow gradient always gives None when using GradientTape

I was playing around and trying to implement my own loss function in TensorFlow but I always get None gradients. To reproduce the problem I've now reduced my program to a minimal example. I define a very simple model:

import tensorflow as tf

model = tf.keras.Sequential(
        tf.keras.Input(shape=(3,), name="input"),
        tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation="relu", name="layer2"),
        tf.keras.layers.Dense(3, activation="softmax", name="output"),

and then define a very simple (but probably useless) loss function:

def dummy_loss(x):
  return tf.reduce_sum(x)

def train(model, inputs, learning_rate):
  outputs = model(inputs)
  with tf.GradientTape() as t:
    current_loss = dummy_loss(outputs)
  temp = t.gradient(current_loss, model.trainable_weights)
train(model, tf.random.normal((10, 3)), learning_rate=0.001)

but t.gradient(current_loss, model.trainable_weights) gives me only a list of None values, i.e. [None, None, None, None]. Why is this the case? What am I doing wrong? Might there be a misconception on my side about how TensorFlow works?


  • You need to run (i.e. forward pass) the computation graph or model within the context of GradientTape so that all the operations in the model could be recorded:

      with tf.GradientTape() as t:
        outputs = model(inputs)  # This line should be within context manager
        current_loss = dummy_loss(outputs)