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Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server using Clojure

I am trying to connect to Microsoft SQl Server 2008 database using windows authentication. I have downloaded the JDBC driver for MS SQL Server and added that to my CLASSPATH.

Below is my clojure code. No matter what I do I get java.sql.SQLException : No suitable driver found for jdbc:sqlserver

(ns Test)
(def db {:classname ""
               :subprotocol "sqlserver"
               :subname "server_name"
               :DatabaseName "database_name"
               :integratedSecurity true

(use 'clojure.contrib.sql)
(with-connection db 
      (with-query-results rs ["SELECT * FROM sys.objects"] (prn rs)))

I have verified that I have access on database , my classpath is correct , I have the correct JDBC version downloaded . Can someone help me out here.

Thanks in advance


  • Found the solution

    (use 'clojure.contrib.sql)
        (def db {:classname ""
                       :subprotocol "sqlserver"
                       :subname "//server-name:port;database=database-name;user=sql-authentication-user-name;password=password"
        ;Add Classpath to your C:\Program Files\Java\JDBC\sqljdbc_3.0\enu\sqljdbc4.jar
        ;Below code demos how to execute a simple sql select query and print it to console
        ;This query will print all the user tables in your MS SQL Server Database
        (with-connection db 
              (with-query-results rs ["select * from sys.objects  where type = 'U'"] 
                   (doseq [row rs] (println (:name row)))

    Also updated the wiki

    Hopefully this will help someone