I'm currently trying to implement a subclass of stringbuf to allow the buffer to tokenize for specific chars ('\n' in my case) and undertake an action if this char occurs (dump the message to a logger and clear buffer afterwards in my case). To achieve this goal, I overrode sputc (to implement watching out for the '\n') and xsputn (to use sputc indeed, as the GCC implementation doesn't seem to do this by default). For debugging purposes, I let sputc write out each character that is passed to it to stdout.
Now this is my question: If I use something like
mystream << "Some text" << std::endl;
sputc receives each character except of the '\n' which should be inducted by std::endl, so the action that is expected is not done because the '\n' isn't passed on. If I use something like
mystream << "Some text" << '\n';
or even
mystream << "Some text" << "\n" << std::flush;
everything works as expected and my sputc implementation gets the '\n' char.
So my question is: Shouldn't both code lines do exactly the same concerning the stringbuf behind, and if not, which other methods do I have to override to get the '\n'?
You can't override sputc
because sputc
is not virtual. You need to overload overflow
and sync
and examine the whole pending sequence for occurrences of \n
You shouldn't really need to overload xsputn
unless you can do something optimal because you know something special about the device that backs your stream type.