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SQL query to find status of the last issue/return record for each book

Books table

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Books issue/return record table

enter image description here

I need a SQL query that finds status of the last issue/return record for each book

This is how far I managed on my own:

     IF(`book_issue_chi`.`Status`='Loaned', 'No', 'Yes') as 'Available on loan' 
FROM `books_chi` 
LEFT JOIN `book_issue_chi` ON `book_issue_chi`.`Book_Number`=`books_chi`.`ID` 

This returns correct if the book only have one issue/return record, but it returns wrong if more than one issue/return record on the book. Any help or hint will be welcomed.

books_chi table enter image description here

book_issue_chi table enter image description here

mysql query result enter image description here

How to revise the SQL query that can return status of the last issue/return record for each book? Please help! Thanks.


  • Find the maximum issue date per book in a subquery:

    select *
    from books_chi b
    left join book_issue_chi bi
      on bi.book_number =
      and (bi.book_number, bi.issue_date) in
        select book_number, max(issue_date)
        from book_issue_chi
        group by book_number

    Alternative: As of MySQL 8 you can use a window function (MAX OVER) to get the maximum issue date per book. Thus you read the issue table just once.

    select *
    from books_chi b
    left join
        max(issue_date) over(partition by book_number) as max_issue_date
      from book_issue_chi
    ) bi on bi.book_number =
         and bi.issue_date = bi.max_issue_date;