I have a rule chain in ThingsBoard that does a Create Alarm when temperature is outside threshold and does a Clear Alarm otherwise. I receive a message using a Telegram bot when these events occur. That all works fine.
However when the temperature is hovering around the threshold, I can get many notifications as it goes in and out of the threshold temperature. That is somewhat annoying.
I would like to have the Clear Alarm activity only trigger if it is more than 5 minutes (say) since the last Create Alarm event was triggered.
Any tips on how to achieve this?
I finally worked out how to do this.
I added some server attributes to my device that define the temperatures that trigger alarms. I have a rule chain for controlling these alarms with the following nodes:
As an example, here is the script for checking if the delay period has expired before clearing the alarm:
var alarmTime = Number(metadata.ss_lastWaterTempAlarmTime);
var alarmDelay = Number(metadata.ss_clearAlarmTimeDelay);
return metadata.ts >= alarmDelay + alarmTime;
is the prefix added for server side attributes that have been added to metadata.
You can see the complete rule chain json in my Aquamon repo.