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The action 'Navigation/RESET' was not handled by any navigation

I am stuck with an error. When I am trying to reset the screen navigation stack, I am getting this error The action 'Navigation/RESET' was not handled by any navigation

My code to reset the navigation is :

 let resetAction = StackActions.reset({
       key: null,
       index: 0,
       actions: [
         NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'ScreenName' })

Please if you can suggest any solution, that would be very much appreciated.


  • In version 5.x, the way you can reset the navigation is changed. you can use :

    import { StackActions } from '@react-navigation/native';

    To pop all page redirects from the stack and then go back to first screen. (view it on expo)

    Or you can use:

    import { CommonActions } from '@react-navigation/native';
        index: 1,
        routes: [
          { name: 'Home' },
            name: 'Profile',
            params: { user: 'jane' },

    To reset your navigation state to an initial state.

    Here is a live demo on snack expo (use android tab, go from home to details page, then page 3, then press reset. you can see it's now on home page and if you press back, it will exit.) (the code for popToTop is on line 44)

    Docs: pop to top action reset action

    PS: If you're not using version 5.x , first make sure you have a route called ScreenName (since you're using : routeName: 'ScreenName', and if it didn't fix it, try other codes to reset, like: here )