In my application I use Hilt for dependency injection. I implemented a RetrofitModule
to provide dependencies for it in my Repository like this:
object RetrofitModule {
fun providesRetrofitClient(okHttpClient: OkHttpClient, baseUrl: String): Retrofit {
return Retrofit.Builder()
fun providesBaseUrl(application: MyApplication): String {
return application.getBaseUrl()
fun providesOkHttpClient(): OkHttpClient {
val okHttpClientBuilder = OkHttpClient.Builder()
val loggingInterceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor().apply {
level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY
fun providesService(retrofit: Retrofit): MyService {
return retrofit.create(
To provide a test base url for Mockwebserver configuration under test I implemented the functions inside the MyApplication
and MyApplicationTest
class MyApplication : Application() {
fun getBaseUrl() = ""
class MyApplicationTest : Application() {
fun getBaseUrl() = ""
But when I build the app I'm getting this error:
A binding with matching key exists in component:
I think the problem is this method
fun providesBaseUrl(application: MyApplication): String {
return application.getBaseUrl()
and there is a problem by providing MyApplication class
Hilt is not able to provide your exact MyApplication
instance, it's only able to provide a generic Application
instance (see Component default bindings
from Hilt Components).
This should fix the issue:
fun providesBaseUrl(application: Application): String {
return (application as MyApplication).getBaseUrl()
That being said, there's a much more elegant way to implement that.
create one UrlModule.kt
object UrlModule {
fun providesBaseUrl(application: MyApplication): String {
return ""
(or src/androidTest/your/package/
if it's for UI tests) create the other UrlModule.kt
object UrlModule {
fun providesBaseUrl(application: MyApplication): String {
return ""