In my controller in finorfail it returns array but instead i want pass package name My controller:
public function package($package){
$package = Packages::findOrFail($package);
return view('pages.package',[
'package' => $package,
My we.php:
Route::prefix('/packages')->group(function() {
Route::get('/', 'PackageController@packages')->name('');
Route::get('/{package}', 'PackageController@package')->name('');
My Model:
class Packages extends Model
protected $table = 'packages';
protected $fillable = ['Package_Banner_Image','Package_Image','Package_Type','Package_Name','Package_Short_Description','Package_Price','Package_Duration','Package_Level','Package_Location'];
SO i want to pass PackageName instead of array of numbers
So instead of 1 i want it to be package name in the url
My Migration:
public function up()
Schema::create('pages', function (Blueprint $table) {
You can do it like this :
public function package($package)
$package = Packages::where('Package_name', $package)->first();
if(empty($package)) {
return abort(404); // if $package is empty, it will return 404
return view('pages.package',[
'package' => $package,
The Str::slug method generates a URL friendly "slug"
from the given string, so while saving Package_name
make an another fileld called slug, where the slug name will be saved :
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
$slug = Str::slug('welcome to stackoverflow', '-');
// welcome-to-stackoverflow