In OMNeT++/INET, under sensornetwork/omnetpp.ini, the following code is given where packet arrival rate and the rate at which packets are transmitted to the server are considered as same parameter (sendInterval
*.sensor*.app[0].sendInterval = 1s
*.sensor*.app[0].startTime = exponential(1s)
*.sensor*.app[0].messageLength = 10Byte
But, i need to set the following:
Random packet arrival rate for each node.
Poisson packet arrival rate and the rate at which packets are transmitted to the server are two separate parameters.
Would anyone please suggest?
One cannot control directly arrival rate, only sending rate may be controlled. The arrival rate depends on many factors (e.g. load of links, other traffic in nodes, route selection etc.).
To set a random sending rate write for example:
*.sensor*.app[0].sendInterval = uniform(0.5s, 1.5s)
The available random distributions are listed in OMNeT++ Simulation Manual, Chapter 7.4.