let's say we have the following values in the database:
id label value client place
1 test value1 a home
2 test value2 a
3 test value3
4 test1 value4 b
5 test1 value5
6 test2 value6
I am trying to make a GET request, that will use the parameters(client & place) and will retrieve basically all the rows(a single time based on the label) with the following priority rule:
So for the example above it should return:
id label value client place
1 test value1 a home
4 test1 value4 b
6 test2 value6
I'm wondering if I can achieve this by using gorm syntax, I am trying to integrate with this:
SELECT * FROM `mytable`ORDER BY label, client DESC, place DESC
It's tricky. I definitely do not have the fully correct answer for you as I'm using Oracle.
Oracle supports a different syntax for the JOIN (WHERE o."label" = i."label"), so I expect my solution will not work using MySQL.
This is the best I could come up with, it's working for me in Oracle. Hopefully it helps to point you in the right direction:
WHERE m."id" IN (
SELECT o."id"
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT i."id", i."label", i."client", i."place"
ORDER BY i."label", i."client" DESC NULLS LAST, i."place" DESC NULLS LAST) o
WHERE m."label" = o."label" AND ROWNUM = 1
The logic behind the approach is to