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how to get locationId in Google App Engine not using terminal

To use scheduler_v1.CloudSchedulerClient().location_path() in Python I need parent with projectId and LocationId. I know how to get projectId in code and locationId from terminal, but how to do it in my code?

I've tried to check this website(, but there are no examples, idk what to do with it

from import scheduler_v1

from google.oauth2 import service_account

credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file('/home/myname/folder/service_account.json')
service ='cloudresourcemanager', 'v1', credentials = credentials)
request = service.projects().list()
response = request.execute()
client = scheduler_v1.CloudSchedulerClient()

for project in response['projects']:
    parent = client.location_path(project['projectId'], ['LocationID'])
    for element in client.list_jobs(parent):

Thank you!


  • It is not necessary to use cloudresourcemanager to get the project ID, instead you can use the App Engine environment variable GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT

    You can use App engine admin API to get the location ID please check this code snippet.

        credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
        #start discovery service and use appengine admin API
        service ='appengine', 'v1', credentials=credentials, cache_discovery=False)
        #disable cache for app engine std (avoid noise in logs)
        #take the project ID form the environment variables
        project = os.environ['GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT']
        #get App engine application details
        req = service.apps().get(appsId=project)
        response =req.execute()
        #this is the application location id
        location_id = (response["locationId"])