In short: MySQL - I need to bring company that have been inactive for a while (or 365 days for the fiddle example).
How I check this? each company have at least a contact, who is related to an event, and each event have (many) subevents, in this last table I have the last date of activity, the days that considers that one company is on inactivity is decided for the user, I don't have problem to do this calculation
sql.Append("where DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),DATE(lastdate)) > " +days.ToString()+ "
The problem is, that this check ALL the subevents, so this not only check the last date, but every date... and this means, bad output.
I was thinking on subqueries to get or the max date on the subevent of a contact, or the max date of the subevent of a event.
Then with a friend we get close with sort of this, but the query is infinite.
select * from subevent se
(select se2.dates from subevent se2
where se2.dates in
(select max(se3.dates)
from subevent se3
where se.idev = se3.idev)
group by se2.dates)));
I'm stuck and I would appreciate the help...
Tried group by, subquery and MAX (obviously max is necessary, but don't how where to apply...)
(On the Fiddle link, should only bring the companyname2 and companyname4)
You can use aggregation to get the last subevent date for each company. Then filter using a having
select c.idcomp
from contact c join
events e
on e.idcont = c.idcont join
subevent se
on se.idev = e.idev
group by c.idcomp
having max( < current_date - interval 365 day;
Here is a db-fiddle.