I wrote my own makefile -Which will be used to compile my C++ project-
But I had some issues with it:
I need to delete all temporary files; objects, executables and those for UNIX
I did the first two like this; but how may I implement the latter?
rm -f $(OBJS) $(EXEC)
I need to zip all files in a test.zip
folder using tar command in the folder where makefile is -including it-), how may I do that?
You want to delete all "temporary files", but a temporary file is a file that people don't intend to keep very long. There is no way for a tool like Make to know people's intentions without being told.
To create a zipped archive of Makefile
and test.zip/
from the command line, you can use a command like:
tar -czvf archive.tgz Makefile test.zip
You can put that in a rule in the makefile like this:
tar -czvf archive.tgz Makefile test.zip
Further refinements are possible, once you have this much working correctly.