I wrote up a quick PL/pgSQL script that creates two new columns for centroid_longitude
and centroid_latitude
and uses data from a PostGIS geometry column and the ST_X()
, ST_Y()
, and ST_Centroid()
PostGIS functions to calculate the values.
alter table nhd_hr_nhdwaterbody ADD COLUMN centroid_latitude numeric(19,11);
alter table nhd_hr_nhdwaterbody ADD COLUMN centroid_longitude numeric(19,11);
UPDATE nhd_hr_nhdwaterbody SET centroid_longitude=ST_X(ST_Centroid(geom)), centroid_latitude=ST_Y(ST_Centroid(geom));
When I run the script for a database that has several million entries, I get the following error.
ERROR: lwgeom_centroid: GEOS Error: IllegalArgumentException: Invalid number of points in LinearRing found 3 - must be 0 or >= 4
As the error clearly states, the script is having an issue because ST_Centroid()
requires that a geometry has 0 points or >= 4, but some of my data do not have that many points. For my current application, I would just like to skip the entries that do not meet the criteria of having 0 or greater than or equal to 4 points.
Is there a way for me to modify this script so that the invalid geometries simply have their latitude and longitude values set to null?
Example Geometry:
Just add a WHERE clause which tests the number of points (untested):
UPDATE nhd_hr_nhdwaterbody SET
WHERE NOT ST_NumPoints(geom) between 1 and 3;
The co-ords for the ones that don't get updated should remain NULL.